Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Thursday, June 02, 2005

bad luck or no luck....hmmm

Had a run of bad luck lately... got sick (finally getting over it a little), my truck broke down (cost me $160), my dentist never sent my paperwork to my new dentist so my tooth is still not completely fixed and has been hurting and started swelling up... yesterday was nice so I went out in the garden and weeded .... and got bit up by black flies even though I put on tons of repellent... but that's not the worst part, although getting bit by those suckers was pretty bad in itself... but no... I can't just leave it at that... I have to go and be ALLERGIC to them... my arms are swollen up with hives and they hurt and itch like a son of a bitch...and I feel like crap and I just want to cry...

Breaking out in hives is usually bad enough... the itching... especially now that it's hot outside... two of them are about four inches around...they really itch... but whenever I break out in hives I feel like crap, too... tired, yucky, achy... I haven't broken out in hives this bad in a while...

That little black cloud that has been following me over my head is now giving me thunderstorms to go with it...

damnit all.... *pouty face*


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