Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Friday, May 20, 2005

if you don't like the weather...

I'm hating the rain we've been getting lately. It's kept us from doing yard work for many days. Yesterday we were finally able to finish putting in the garden. I've never had a veggie garden before, so this ought to be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing the broccoli and peas grow. Between the slugs (overpopulation of them this year, yuck!) and raccoons, though, I'm not sure we'll have much of a garden.....

oops, maybe we will! Lisa just came in from outside and said the garden is still standing! Yay!

Lisa's friend, Jennifer, is coming in from out of state this morning. We're getting ready for her visit, so I have to go....

This week has been yard-week -- I'm loving it... very relaxing...


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