Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Thursday, May 26, 2005

interesting tidbits....

Things I've found interesting over the last few days:

-- colds are useless wastes of time that end up making you, as well as those around you, miserable, for basically no reason at all except to force you to sleep, cough, buy cough medicine, sniffle, whine, and sleep some more for at least three days.

-- friends are useless wastes of time unless they share, care, and are loyal.

-- rain is useless except when needed to water plants every few days or even weeks. Rain for weeks on end is depressing and I had to laugh when Josh came home today to make the announcement as he walked in the door, "I LOVE the rain!"

silly boy.

-- love is useless if it makes you feel used, abused, or shamed... luckily I don't feel those things anymore, so therefore I feel very loved.... hee hee... and it isn't useless.... a good example is how she made me feel very loved this afternoon when we got home from shopping...

-- money is useless. It doesn't bring happiness or love or contentment within oneself. The finer things in life come from sharing, laughing, and loving. Those are the true riches.

-- art is useless if it doesn't make you feel something within. Not only does it need to cause the onlooker to feel something.... the artist themselves need to feel something within as they make it. Otherwise it isn't a part of themselves and therefore.... not art.

-- The future should be the color yellow.

-- Joshua was signed out of all special therapies today. No more speech therapy.... nothing ever again. He was deemed extremely smart and a very unique little kid. I'm very proud of him, yet I teared up when they signed him out of therapy this morning at our parent meeting. When he was 3 and a half he refused to talk at all.... the speech therapist would pull her hair out for months attempting to get him to talk. He's almost ten now and has a vocabulary of a 14 year old. My eyes teared up as I thought about him running around the house refusing to talk... and now he is a brilliant little guy with such a bright future. He's going to theater camp this summer and he wants to be an actor. I tell him he can be anything he wants to.... and I mean it. I love him so much. He has blossomed since we moved here. I'm so glad to have him.

-- Life is wonderful even though I feel like crap....


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