Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Sunday, May 29, 2005

dirty dancing

Went to Augusta yesterday. Went shopping at Old Navy and used my gift card up that Cheryl had given me for Xmas. Bought a pair of new jeans and a few new polo shirts. Can't wait to try them on today. Went to Panera for an early supper and actually was able to sit outside to eat because the sun...yes...the SUN...had emerged for a short time! Yay!

I was only slightly dissapointed when we went to Michael's crafts... I've been wanting to try out hot pressed paper, but the local art places are so expensive, so I thought perhaps Michael's might be a bit cheaper on their watercolor paper.... to my dismay they were even more expensive than the place in Bangor I like to go to... damnit all to hell...

Afterward, we went to Barnes and Nobles bookstore and perused the lesbian books, finding an interesting one from "On Our Backs," titled "LESBIAN SEX" in humungous letters on the front. It was funny to see Lisa carrying it around the store... but even more fun when we sat at the cafe and read several excerpts out of it, laughing and talking about (ewww) "fisting" and "rimming." I had a large caramel (C-A-R-A-M-E-L, not CARMEL, as in the town where I'd like to live, LOL, long story, Lisa knows what I'm talking about, hee hee) Latte Machiato iced coffee. It was awesome.... we sat and drank and perused the naughty book and then I looked through my favorite artist magazines.

We had a great time there before heading over to PJ's bar around 8:30. We were the only ones there for a short time, then the place filled up by 9:30 or so. Lots of new faces there... I dirty danced with Lisa on the sidelines of the dancefloor... turning her red on more than one occasion, which I absolutely LOVE to do... a few times we were the only ones dancing, and even though we were near the tables, off the dancefloor, most of the eyes were on us.... I loved every minute of it, it was awesome. Makes me feel sexy when I dirty dance...

My voice sounds like a frog, though, from being sick, and after having to strain to talk over the music, I left the bar a little bedraggled and my throat hurt. We got home, took care of the 10 cats, the 2 mallard ducks, the 6 chickens... and then we fell into bed, smiles on our faces, and kitties on our chests, vying for our attention and still scolding us for staying out so late...

Woke up this morning a tad bit tired (surprise), my throat still hurts, and my back is a little sore (probably from doing too many dips on Lisa's leg while dirty dancing, hee hee). I think I'm going to stick around close to the computer and bed only today.... dozing and then perhaps playing on the computer... until maybe... just maybe... I will get over this freakin' bronchitis thing that went into my vocal chords and makes me sound like Hepburn after a night of booze and cigarettes.

Wonder if she ever dirty danced on a woman's leg...
: )


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