Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Monday, May 30, 2005


freakin' sick.

This bronchitis is going to kill me.

I've lost my voice almost completely. I sound like a squeaky mouse.

We went for a drive around the coast yesterday. I fell in love with Winterport. The perfect place to live as far as I'm concerned...trees and lush lawn overlooking the water...

I'm going to have to charge $150 an hour as a psychologist to be able to afford to live there, though.... but it's something to fantasize about and look forward to someday....

Going to see Star Wars today in Farmington. Then picking up Josh afterwards from Rick. Going to be a long day... but it'll be fun.

I just wish I'd get my voice back.

I need to get better before Pride fest next month... Can't wait to go again this year.

Not much else going on here....


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