Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Friday, May 13, 2005

freshly ground coffee

I love the fact that she makes my coffee for me every day. She adores the smell of the freshly ground gourmet coffee even if she hates the taste of it.

I love the fact that she says "twiggle" instead of "twiddle" and makes me roar with laughter as we banter back and forth using it in strange new ways.

I love the fact that she and Joshua have this special bond all their own and Josh smiles whenever he sees her.

I love the fact that when she hugs me she makes me feel special and loved in a way I've never felt before with anyone else.

I love the fact that intimacy with her isn't the "traditional" intimacy.... it means so much more between us and it makes me feel close to her, as though I could touch her heart with my hand.

I love the fact that when we spend time together we laugh and hold hands and appreciate each other so much.

I love the fact that she is my biggest fan and is so supportive of who I truly am... even more so than my own family, who doesn't really know a thing about me and who could probably care less anyway.

I love the fact that when I walk in the door she is waiting with a smile for me.

I love the fact that I'm so in love with her.....


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