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Friday, June 24, 2005

home alone....

Lisa's at a job estimate right now.... she's been a busy girl these last few weeks with her business. I'm so proud of her for getting it off the ground.

I'm still swollen and yucky from my tooth problem. Went to two dentists yesterday... drove around the state most of the day... Augusta.... Waterville... I will probably need oral surgery to fix the one, but we have to wait and see if the antibiotics work to get the infection down.... the other tooth needs .... yes, you guessed it... a root canal.

I spent the day yesterday feeling like shit, driving around, getting xrays done, then came home took a nap, took more pain pills, got sick to my stomach, felt like crap some more.....

Woke up this morning, not feeling much better, but at least I'm not nauseous. My face is all swollen, though, and I'm not sure if I'm going to feel up to going to PJ's tonight for the drag show/ sendoff of Miss PJ (she/he is moving out of state).

Gonna go feed the little baby bird Lisa found in the middle of the road yesterday when she was riding her motorcycle.... the bird's family was squashed on the road and it was all alone, looking for it's mother when she happened upon it. We have it in a shoebox in the bathroom with the door closed so the 10 cats don't get to it. It's chirping up a storm.... I have to go feed it soon. We give it a good prognosis for survival, though.... it has it's feathers for flight already. We just have to make sure it is warm and fed and watered until it can fly away....

One last note.... The boy ZACH, who was recently put into an anti-gay camp in Tennessee.... the government is now investigating because there was such publicity. Apparently the "church" that runs it doesn't have it's license to run any kind of camp. Hopefully we will hear more about this boy and what happened to him. Hopefully justice will prevail and he will get his life back soon. He has a long haul ahead of him, let's hope he has the fortitude to get through it all.


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