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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

pride fest...

was ok.

Techno music at the pier dance wasn't fabulous.... no live entertainment like last year....not even any popular dance mixes that we actually recognized...

It was nice running into old friends and hanging out for a while, though.

We spent the night in Portland and enjoyed ourselves overall.

I wasn't feeling great all weekend.... apparently it was most likely due to the fact that the root canal tooth that I've been having such problems with is now re-infected.... which isn't cool at all because now it has been closed up from the permanent filling the dentist put in two weeks ago.

Now fixing it won't be very simple, like it was the first three times I went through all that shit... ha ha... not funny at all... three tries it took to get someone to actually finally FIX it...

Now it means oral surgery with stitches.... they will have to go in and cut open my gums and slice out the roots of the tooth.....

I'm so fucking sick and tired of this crap... stupid dentists... if they had done what they were supposed to do the first time, none of this would have happened.

And sometimes root canals go bad...

Well, this one scares me. Not only is it bad, but when my dentist saw it today, he turned immediately around, grabbed his pill bottle out of his cabinet and handed me two antibiotics and a glass of water, telling me to take them right there.

I'm on pain med and antibiotics....again.

I'm depressed and miserable...


I have this HUGE fucking black cloud over my head and I'm trying so fucking hard to keep my optimism up...

but it gets harder every time.....

poor Lisa. Having to deal with me... whiney, in pain, miserable, drugged, and terribly un-sexy...

I hope I live through all of this and my black cloud goes away someday soon.


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