Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Friday, December 02, 2005

this week...

Has been hectic, so say the least. I've been a bit stressed with three exams occuring in the space of two days. Plus I have finals coming up in two weeks, plus a HUGE research paper due in a week and a half.

So, needless to say, I haven't been my sweet self as much as usual. I know I haven't... this morning, after being exhausted last night, only getting five hours sleep the night before... and last night going to bed at around 11pm or later, when the cats started waking me up at about 5:30 this morning I just wanted to roll back over and ignore them. I tried it for about half an hour (I wasn't supposed to get up until 6:30), but then they kept walking all over me, and nipping at my fingers. I was ready to tie each and every one of their legs into nice, neat, little fucking bows and throw them out the window.

So, now I sit here this morning, with a horrid headache, I'm still exhausted, and I have a class this morning... then I have to come home, fix a computer, haul it to the truck, pick Josh up from school, and take him an hour away to meet his father. Then, I have to drive an hour back home to study (hopefully), if I'm not too fucking exhausted.

I can't wait until this semester is over.

I'm tired, grumpy, and I want to start working on things for graduate school. Getting your bachelor's is more of a dog and pony show I'm thinking. They make you jump through the hoops to get there by taking a bunch of classes you don't need (outside your major) along with ones you do. Why can't we just concentrate on what we are going to need for our career choice? I don't get it.

But, anyway, most of my classes from now on will be in my concentration, so I'm happy about that.

Now, if I can just get through the crap....

I know, I'm just grumpy from stress and lack of sleep. (Josh's trouble at school this week didn't help either)... by tomorrow I'm sure I'll be fine.


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