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Friday, September 30, 2005

three exams and a paper....

Yesterday I had three exams, one in each of my classes -- one in Sensation and Perception, one in Educational Psychology, and one in Statistics of Psychology. The first one and the last one were great -- excellent, valid examples of testing the material -- the second one, however.....

Had to be the absolute HARDEST multiple choice test I've ever taken in my ENTIRE life. It was AWFUL!

I studied hardest for this test because the textbook reads like a thesis paper rather than a textbook. I went over each chapter meticulously. We were even allowed a full sheet of notes (both sides of the paper). That should have been a clue right there --- I only needed the notes twice during the 50 multiple choice questions -- and not because I knew the rest of the questions --- it was because the freakin' notes were USELESS!!!!

I'm a 4.0 student, never had a problem like this one before -- I walked out of the room wanting to cry. That test was NOT an accurate measurement of what I knew. I would rather have taken an essay exam.

I very well could have flunked the exam. It's one of those where I could have gotten an A (for my logic efforts on answering the questions to the best of my ability based on what I already knew and tried to make connections with the material I DID learn).... or I could have gotten an F because I definitely did NOT get things out that textbook that the test thinks I did.....

So then I come home, spent some time with Josh, had supper, then I had to write a research paper that was due today.

I had to study so much for the three exams that I didn't have time to write the paper until last night.

But I think I did ok.... but boy...... don't I need a DRINK tonight.....


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