Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

school and such....

Been a lot going on, haven't had much time to spend writing in here lately.

A few things ---

ran into my ex and her g/f at college the other day. Wasn't a fun day for me.

Other than that.... my grades have been great the last week -- a 97 on my Psychological Research exam, a 100% on my Statistics exam, and a 100% on my research paper.

Lisa and I celebrated our 1 year of living together last weekend. I brought her roses and a mushy card. : )

Things have been going great except for my putting my back out again this week. I hate the pain associated with it..... it's AWFUL!

Other than that, things are going well. I'm looking forward to Halloween with Joshua. He's going to be the Phantom of the Opera and I'm going to be Christina Diae ( I think that's how you spell her name.... )

Anyway..... I have lots of homework tonight, so I'm off to study!

Kat -- see you two at PJ's on Friday night!!! We'll be there a little late, so save us seats!!!!!

: )


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