Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

exam week

within the last week I've had four exams, two of which I've gotten A's on, one I got a B (the stupid hard one which NO ONE could prepare for)(the highest grade on that exam was 90 and I got the second highest, an 84, so I guess it's kinda like getting an A), and this last one was in Neuroscience, which I just took this morning...all essay questions... I don't think I've written that much in ages. Tough exam, but I think I got an A on that one as well.

In other news...
I had a horrible fight with my aunt which has been going on for about a month and a half now and which was exascerbated by her showing up at my house for the first time since I moved in a year ago... with my ex...

It was nasty, to say the least... I would have been cordial if she hadn't asked for a hug... hmph. She ignores me for a month and has the nerve to ask for a hug....I know she went away hurt, but I've been hurting for the last few years over her snubbing of me. I probably should have just hugged her and not held a grudge (I'm not usually one to hold grudges, actually), but I'm tired of people walking all over me simply because I'm "easy" or non-confrontational. I'm sick of getting my feelings walked on and then expected to be the one to apologize. Maybe I'm being childish, but the argument will never get solved if I don't stand up for myself. I've spent years in the background, always wanting to make people happy (especially my family) -- always being the one to make peace, always being the one who wants things just to be all happy-go-lucky again. This time I'm sticking to my guns and not backing down and I think it has shocked the hell out of my family.

So needless to say this week has been a bit stressful and I'm trying hard to keep things under wraps. With the exams and everything else that's going on I'm very glad that I have a long weekend coming up. They call it "fall break" but it is really 2 whole days off from classes, where the professors expect you to do twice the work to make up for it...

I'm hoping that this weekend Lisa and I might be able to spend some quality time together. We were able to spend a little time together last weekend, even went to a movie and out to the bar, but with me going back to school and her now working at the pharmacy, we kinda need some more quality time together I think.

Another thing I miss is being able to paint. Since I started classes I haven't had time for anything except for studying and spending time with Joshua. He kinda needed the extra attention since I started college and I think this year has been the beginnings of his "social" growth, and his little personality is changing exponentially it seems. So I've opted to spend more time with him when I get home at night, on the nights that Lisa works til 8. I come home, make supper for the two of us, feed the cats, clean up a little either by doing some laundry or dishes, then he and I play Everquest II together for about 45 minutes before he has to start doing his nightly chores and getting ready for bed. I've enjoyed the time I spend with him, but it keeps me from being able to hit the books until after he's in bed, so I don't get much schoolwork accomplished until after 8pm some nights.

This weekend I'd like to paint a little bit.... my right brain needs some creative time I think....

Well, off to class, I've dilly-dallied long enough writing in here today..... now it's back to work....


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