Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

ok, happy now? LOL


1) Shampoo and Conditioner - Aveda Rosemary and Mint Shampoo and Conditioner
2) Soap - Ivory
3) Colors - Green and yellow
4) Soda - Sprite remix or Sprite Zero
5) Foods - Bagels, Lisa's Pizza, Chinese food
6) Movie - The Phantom Of The Opera
7) Band - Lifehouse
8) Disney Character - Beauty
9) Actor - Nicholas Cage
10) Actress - Marg Helgenberger
11) Video Games - don't play any.... ask Josh.... he'll say his is Technic Beat
12) Computer Games - Everquest II
13) Store - Border's Books or JCPenneys
14) Alcohol - Captain and Coke
15) Number - 4
16) Car - Mine, of course! The Ford Escape!
17) Book - Andromeda Strain
18) T.V. Show - CSI or Six Feet Under
19) Website -
20) Condiment - grape jelly
21) Fruit - peaches or nectarines
22) Vegetable - cukes
23) Restaurant - The Macaroni Grill
24) Blogger - Kat or Lisa
25) Place - my little house in the woods with my lovely little family... : )


  • "Borders" and "Beauty" were my other choices on those questions... We have so much in common sometimes, and so little in common in other ways... It's kind of funny.

    Thank you for doing the survey, btw.

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Tue Oct 04, 05:41:00 PM  

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