Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

college and other mutterings....

Things have been going fairly smooth since I started back to college. Luckily, it seems I still have some brain cells left in this old head of mine, so I appreciate the fact that it doesn't seem as impossibly difficult as I had imagined.

Yes, I was having some panic attacks the few days leading up to my first day...but I'll deny it later.....

And things with Lisa and I have been fabulous, as well. I couldn't ask for a more tender, sweet, caring person to share my life with. I love her with all my heart.

As for Joshua.....


He's been in some trouble this week and he made me want to pull my hair out... literally....

We caught him lying a few times, and when caught, he just continued to lie on top of it. He made a huge mess and I wanted to strangle him, especially since it involved money he took from me (well, basically, I gave him money for a book fair, but he never brought me the change back like I asked him to, instead, he decided to spend the money at the school store...).... so... yeah..... Sigh.

I'm tired, frustrated as hell.... trying to figure out how to handle things with him.... Lisa suggested that he may want more attention since I've gone back to school and I'm not spending as much time with him anymore. I think she may be right.

So tonight when I got home he and I had supper together and chatted at the kitchen table. After we were done, he helped me clean up and then he turned to me and said, "We had a great talk, didn't we Mommy?" My heart melted and I gave him a big hug and a kiss.

I love him.


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