Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

last week....

This is the last week of classes. Whew. What a tedious, yet exciting semester. Next week is finals week. All exams cumulative. Neuroscience is going to kill me before I end this freakin' semester, I just know it. The prof. just keeps piling it on. A new article here, another chapter there...

On another note, after Xmas, Lisa and I are heading to Ithaca, NY for four beautiful days and nights... a nice little vacation at a gay/lesbian spot in NY... near Cornell University... I can't wait. It's going to be absolutely gorgeous!!!

I'm going to need the downtime after finals anyway. Finals go right up until the 23rd... so by the time Xmas rolls around I'm going to need a stiff drink and some wrapping paper...

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Oh yeah, and PS. Kat, wait until you see what we bought you and Cin. We didn't have much money for presents this year, but it's really cute and speaks volumes. Hee hee.

Drugs are bad...mmmmmkaaaaaaayyyyyy.


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