Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Monday, June 27, 2005

little black cloud....

Apparently my little black cloud is still around.

Yesterday I started getting this tickle in the back of my throat around 11 am. By 5 pm, it was a scratchy irritation, by 9 pm I was having a hard time breathing and my throat was all swollen up.


Allergic to the antibiotic they gave me for my tooth.

Ended up in the emergency room.

Got prednisone for the swelling in my throat and lungs and a new antibiotic.

I didn't sleep well last night, I think it was the prednisone. I tossed and turned so much the cats were pissed off at me. Just as they'd get comfy, I'd turn again.

This morning I still feel a little crappy in the throat area, but otherwise ok. Mostly tired is all.....

But it's good to know my little black cloud is still around....


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