Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Thursday, June 01, 2006


We're here and fairly settled. The house is beautiful but still messy a bit since we have a few more boxes still to unpack and we have a few issues with the plumbing and the grading of the lawn... Other than that, the house is fabulous and I've already planted three rose bushes with three more to go when the weather isn't as hot and muggy as it has been this week so far.

On other notes -- my heart has finally been good the last week and a half. I haven't had to take my beta blockers for several days and I've felt fine. Not sure what happened, but I don't think I'm out of the woods as of yet. I'm still leary and still waiting for it to all start again at any moment.

Also, my truck crapped out again. Yet another ignition coil. The new service place here claims they never changed the old ignition coils at all in Maine and that they screwed me over (at $180 bucks a pop, thank you very much)... but, of course, nothing I can do from here... there is no recourse for it at this point, so basically Lisa and I are out over $1,000 from the last year.

Joshua has been doing great in school. He was behind in his work when he came here two weeks ago -- apparently in Hartland, ME teaching kids things like cursive and fractions aren't important... here, they are. Josh spent the first four nights crying over his hours of homework in order to catch up. Now he's starting to catch up completely and has actually been getting A's and B+'s -- I'm very proud of him.

Tonight is the Ithaca festival -- the theme? Ithaculture -- diversity -- gotta love it! We're going to the parade which kicks it off tonight at 6pm. Can't wait!


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