Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Monday, May 01, 2006

builders and other ramblings

We went and closed on the house on Friday in New York. We drove down Thursday and bought the house Friday. Yay!

Well, sort of "yay" --

come to find out the builder lied about the water in the well and then tried to cover it up. The well is possibly collapsed and all the fixtures in the house are now filled with murky water. Undrinkable, yucky, murky, nasty, silty water...

The builder tried to save a few pennies by using the EXISTING well from the last house that was on the property ----- an 80 year old farm house with an 80 year old well.


Nice, eh?

Needless to say moving day is put off for a few days. Lisa is still in New York protecting her very expensive investment and getting ready to sue the idiot builder...

In the mean time I'm here at home in Hartland working on final exams, term papers, and doctor appointments.

Went to see the cardiologist this morning. Looks like that wonderful low blood pressure I've had all my life is now gone and replaced by "normal" to "high" blood pressure... What is considered "normal" for everyone else is, of course, considered "high" for me, so now I'll probably be on medication for it all my life. My heart and body aren't used to having blood pressure like 120/75 all the time. It has to readjust I guess. So, yeah, high blood pressure now...

I'm going to post newer pics of the house in a few minutes -- the new lawn that you'll see in the pic, that was graded and seeded with grass seed on Saturday will now probably have to be ripped out in order for a new well to be dug... gonna be sad to see that happen.


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