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Monday, February 13, 2006

long time no post

I realized a few minutes ago I hadn't posted in here in quite a while. Figured I'd update...

I've been sick with a cold, have two compressed disks and nerves in my lower neck, have been to Florida and back (driving), started another semester at college, and now... have strep throat.

Yes. I have fucking strep throat.

Josh came down with it a few days ago ... and I woke this morning to a really bad sore throat.

And Lisa is in Florida again. Her grandmother keeps lingering... she's had a rough time and I think the family just now wants her to be put out of her misery, which I can't blame them.

Anyway, going to take Josh to the doctor's now -- where we both have appointments to get tested officially for the strep, but I'd bet my life on it that it is strep.

Then I shall come home and sleep and be miserable...


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