Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

school and such....

Been a lot going on, haven't had much time to spend writing in here lately.

A few things ---

ran into my ex and her g/f at college the other day. Wasn't a fun day for me.

Other than that.... my grades have been great the last week -- a 97 on my Psychological Research exam, a 100% on my Statistics exam, and a 100% on my research paper.

Lisa and I celebrated our 1 year of living together last weekend. I brought her roses and a mushy card. : )

Things have been going great except for my putting my back out again this week. I hate the pain associated with it..... it's AWFUL!

Other than that, things are going well. I'm looking forward to Halloween with Joshua. He's going to be the Phantom of the Opera and I'm going to be Christina Diae ( I think that's how you spell her name.... )

Anyway..... I have lots of homework tonight, so I'm off to study!

Kat -- see you two at PJ's on Friday night!!! We'll be there a little late, so save us seats!!!!!

: )

Friday, October 14, 2005


I got a 94 on my Neuroscience essay exam. I've never written so damn much in my life as I had for that exam. So many questions, but not enough time to give any one of them a lot of thought before zipping through it.

Friday, October 07, 2005

did you ever....

Did you ever have that sense of being ... "trampled upon"...?

I don't mean in the sense that some takes advantage of you and you end up feeling used...

I mean like someone was a "storm" passing through for a little bit... lots of wind and fire and lightning...

and then they were gone...

and you're left standing there, feeling a bit dismayed, feeling a bit disheveled, overwhelmed even... they are so intent on doing what they want, what they need to do at that moment, that they end up making an uproar, it seems... it "feels" like an uproar.... and you feel very tiny.... being swept up in it... feeling insignificant, almost...

that's how I felt this morning...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

exam week

within the last week I've had four exams, two of which I've gotten A's on, one I got a B (the stupid hard one which NO ONE could prepare for)(the highest grade on that exam was 90 and I got the second highest, an 84, so I guess it's kinda like getting an A), and this last one was in Neuroscience, which I just took this morning...all essay questions... I don't think I've written that much in ages. Tough exam, but I think I got an A on that one as well.

In other news...
I had a horrible fight with my aunt which has been going on for about a month and a half now and which was exascerbated by her showing up at my house for the first time since I moved in a year ago... with my ex...

It was nasty, to say the least... I would have been cordial if she hadn't asked for a hug... hmph. She ignores me for a month and has the nerve to ask for a hug....I know she went away hurt, but I've been hurting for the last few years over her snubbing of me. I probably should have just hugged her and not held a grudge (I'm not usually one to hold grudges, actually), but I'm tired of people walking all over me simply because I'm "easy" or non-confrontational. I'm sick of getting my feelings walked on and then expected to be the one to apologize. Maybe I'm being childish, but the argument will never get solved if I don't stand up for myself. I've spent years in the background, always wanting to make people happy (especially my family) -- always being the one to make peace, always being the one who wants things just to be all happy-go-lucky again. This time I'm sticking to my guns and not backing down and I think it has shocked the hell out of my family.

So needless to say this week has been a bit stressful and I'm trying hard to keep things under wraps. With the exams and everything else that's going on I'm very glad that I have a long weekend coming up. They call it "fall break" but it is really 2 whole days off from classes, where the professors expect you to do twice the work to make up for it...

I'm hoping that this weekend Lisa and I might be able to spend some quality time together. We were able to spend a little time together last weekend, even went to a movie and out to the bar, but with me going back to school and her now working at the pharmacy, we kinda need some more quality time together I think.

Another thing I miss is being able to paint. Since I started classes I haven't had time for anything except for studying and spending time with Joshua. He kinda needed the extra attention since I started college and I think this year has been the beginnings of his "social" growth, and his little personality is changing exponentially it seems. So I've opted to spend more time with him when I get home at night, on the nights that Lisa works til 8. I come home, make supper for the two of us, feed the cats, clean up a little either by doing some laundry or dishes, then he and I play Everquest II together for about 45 minutes before he has to start doing his nightly chores and getting ready for bed. I've enjoyed the time I spend with him, but it keeps me from being able to hit the books until after he's in bed, so I don't get much schoolwork accomplished until after 8pm some nights.

This weekend I'd like to paint a little bit.... my right brain needs some creative time I think....

Well, off to class, I've dilly-dallied long enough writing in here today..... now it's back to work....

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

ok, happy now? LOL


1) Shampoo and Conditioner - Aveda Rosemary and Mint Shampoo and Conditioner
2) Soap - Ivory
3) Colors - Green and yellow
4) Soda - Sprite remix or Sprite Zero
5) Foods - Bagels, Lisa's Pizza, Chinese food
6) Movie - The Phantom Of The Opera
7) Band - Lifehouse
8) Disney Character - Beauty
9) Actor - Nicholas Cage
10) Actress - Marg Helgenberger
11) Video Games - don't play any.... ask Josh.... he'll say his is Technic Beat
12) Computer Games - Everquest II
13) Store - Border's Books or JCPenneys
14) Alcohol - Captain and Coke
15) Number - 4
16) Car - Mine, of course! The Ford Escape!
17) Book - Andromeda Strain
18) T.V. Show - CSI or Six Feet Under
19) Website -
20) Condiment - grape jelly
21) Fruit - peaches or nectarines
22) Vegetable - cukes
23) Restaurant - The Macaroni Grill
24) Blogger - Kat or Lisa
25) Place - my little house in the woods with my lovely little family... : )