Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

quote of the day...

People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.

W. Somerset Maugham
English dramatist & novelist (1874 - 1965)


  • Only an unwise and selfish person would do that I think.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sat Jun 24, 12:19:00 AM  

  • Do what? Ask for criticism? People ask for it all the time. The moment a play goes on stage, the moment a chef cooks a meal, and the moment someone says they are in love with you. Everything, except the most secret of thoughts is set out for display and is asking for criticism, especially by friends. Who is the first person we share things with and ask their opinion? Friends. We write a poem, paint a picture, take a photo... who is the first person we share it with and why? Friends, because we want them to appreciate us, to criticize us, to make sure they are helping us not to make fools of ourselves, to give us their honest opinion. They are who we expect to be honest with us, whether it hurts our feelings or not. If we don't respect and want their opinion, then we should keep it a secret... and thus, not be friends anymore, because obviously we don't respect their opinion and thoughts any longer... if we aren't asking for criticism from our friends, then who will tell us when we have a poppy seed between our teeth or that we have toilet paper stuck to the bottom of our shoe? Who will talk us down off the edge when we're being overly dramatic or hot-tempered? No one, except friends will be our best, and worst, critics...

    By Blogger Artist...Lesbian...Someone new..., at Sat Jul 08, 03:19:00 PM  

  • Actually, what she saying, is only an unwise and selfish person would only expect praise. A truly wise person would expect criticism.

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Sat Jul 08, 05:03:00 PM  

  • Kat got my meaning. A wise person would ask for honest feedback and be secure enough in themselves to be able to take the criticism along with the praise and use it all to become a better person.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sun Jul 09, 10:46:00 AM  

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