Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Here's the thing...

I don't care what anyone believes or does behind closed doors... in regards to religion, beliefs, sexual conduct, etc...

As long as:

A) it doesn't harm anyone, including themselves, mentally or phsyically. (APA definition of abuse here)


B) doesn't interfere with someone else's right to their own beliefs or practices.


C) doesn't promote discrimination, hatred, or otherewise ill-will against others who do not have the same beliefs, ideologies, or traditions.

These are the number 3 reasons why I don't believe in organized religion persay and why I would never become a member of a church organization. Religion is basically an organization saying, "We are better than everyone else and anyone who doesn't believe like we do are wrong, immoral, and shouldn't have the right to live -- unless, of course, we can convert them, in which case, they might be worth a little something in the long run....."

We thought we were "saving" the souls of the slaves... Hitler thought he was "culling" out the immoral from the earth... and Bush is attempting to cull out anything that isn't white, from Texas, with a third grade education, and Christian.

And now Tom Cruise?


Apparently there isn't any room in this country for anyone who doesn't fit into the cookie-cutter image the government is trying to set up for us.

We should all... just throw ourselves into...

concentration camps then?


After the whole "signatures" from the Christian Coalition thing here in Maine yesterday...

I'm truly thinking that might be exactly where we are headed.

For the first time in my life I am truly ashamed to say I am an American.

Canada is looking better every day...


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