Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Friday, September 30, 2005

three exams and a paper....

Yesterday I had three exams, one in each of my classes -- one in Sensation and Perception, one in Educational Psychology, and one in Statistics of Psychology. The first one and the last one were great -- excellent, valid examples of testing the material -- the second one, however.....

Had to be the absolute HARDEST multiple choice test I've ever taken in my ENTIRE life. It was AWFUL!

I studied hardest for this test because the textbook reads like a thesis paper rather than a textbook. I went over each chapter meticulously. We were even allowed a full sheet of notes (both sides of the paper). That should have been a clue right there --- I only needed the notes twice during the 50 multiple choice questions -- and not because I knew the rest of the questions --- it was because the freakin' notes were USELESS!!!!

I'm a 4.0 student, never had a problem like this one before -- I walked out of the room wanting to cry. That test was NOT an accurate measurement of what I knew. I would rather have taken an essay exam.

I very well could have flunked the exam. It's one of those where I could have gotten an A (for my logic efforts on answering the questions to the best of my ability based on what I already knew and tried to make connections with the material I DID learn).... or I could have gotten an F because I definitely did NOT get things out that textbook that the test thinks I did.....

So then I come home, spent some time with Josh, had supper, then I had to write a research paper that was due today.

I had to study so much for the three exams that I didn't have time to write the paper until last night.

But I think I did ok.... but boy...... don't I need a DRINK tonight.....

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

college and other mutterings....

Things have been going fairly smooth since I started back to college. Luckily, it seems I still have some brain cells left in this old head of mine, so I appreciate the fact that it doesn't seem as impossibly difficult as I had imagined.

Yes, I was having some panic attacks the few days leading up to my first day...but I'll deny it later.....

And things with Lisa and I have been fabulous, as well. I couldn't ask for a more tender, sweet, caring person to share my life with. I love her with all my heart.

As for Joshua.....


He's been in some trouble this week and he made me want to pull my hair out... literally....

We caught him lying a few times, and when caught, he just continued to lie on top of it. He made a huge mess and I wanted to strangle him, especially since it involved money he took from me (well, basically, I gave him money for a book fair, but he never brought me the change back like I asked him to, instead, he decided to spend the money at the school store...).... so... yeah..... Sigh.

I'm tired, frustrated as hell.... trying to figure out how to handle things with him.... Lisa suggested that he may want more attention since I've gone back to school and I'm not spending as much time with him anymore. I think she may be right.

So tonight when I got home he and I had supper together and chatted at the kitchen table. After we were done, he helped me clean up and then he turned to me and said, "We had a great talk, didn't we Mommy?" My heart melted and I gave him a big hug and a kiss.

I love him.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Josh at his birthday party last weekend, at the bowling alley. Only two kids showed up... we're wondering if it has to do with us being lesbians..... but he had lots of fun anyway..... he's my cutie patootie.... who is now TEN.... I feel so old! Posted by Picasa

the cake kiss.... awwwwwwwwww Posted by Picasa

During their ceremony... awwwwwwwwww Posted by Picasa

the beautiful cake topper Shea made for the happy couple! Posted by Picasa

Cindy looks so happy!!!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Yay for me!

I got my first A this week in my Statistics of Psychology class!
Yay for me!!!!!!!
: )

(hopefully it is the first of many....)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

California Assembly passes bill to allow gay marriage!!!!!

SACRAMENTO, California (Reuters) -

A bill that would allow same-sex couples to marry won final passage on Tuesday in the California Assembly, marking the first time a state legislature in the United States has endorsed gay marriage.

The bill by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman Mark Leno passed by a 41-35 vote, with the help of four Democrats who had not voted for it when the Assembly had previously taken up the legislation.

The state Senate backed the same bill last week.

"I couldn't do anything but keep going. It says something for being a little bit tenacious," Leno told cheering supporters.

Both the California Assembly and state Senate are controlled by Democrats. The office of Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has previously opposed gay marriage, issued a statement saying he believes that the issue is best decided in the courts.

California voters in 2000 endorsed a ballot measure defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman, but that ban on same-sex marriages is facing court challenges.

The California Supreme Court has ruled invalid same-sex marriage licenses issued in 2004 by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, which helped fuel a national debate over gay marriage.

Opponents of gay marriage aim to place a measure on next year's ballot that would amend the state Constitution to include a ban.

"I think it's a sad day," Republican Assemblywoman Sharon Runner of Lancaster, California, said of the bill's passage.

"I think the people of California want us to do the business of jobs, the economy, education, illegal immigration, and today we had to spend several hours talking about an issue that the voters decided back five years ago, that marriage should be between a man and a woman ... I think it shows how out of touch the legislature is."

Massachusetts in 2004 became the first U.S. state to allow gay marriage, in response to a ruling by the state's Supreme Court. Massachusetts lawmakers are to vote next week on a proposed amendment to ban same-sex marriage, but the proposal is not expected to succeed.

(Reporting by Jenny O'Mara in Sacramento California)

Monday, September 05, 2005

This scared me to death....

The two gas stations within a 14 mile radius of us.....

both ....

ran out of gas today.

And neither one knows when they will be getting their next shipment.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

check maine gas prices!

Friday, September 02, 2005

A Momentous Day

A momentous day in the history of civil rights.

The California Senate became the first legislative chamber in the country to approve a bill legalizing same-sex marriage!!!!

Click here to read the full story:

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hurricane Katrina breaks hearts

This has got to be the most heartbreaking story yet: