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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New York City

Just got home today from a three day trip to New York City. Lisa took me there for my Birthday.

Spectacular trip!

We started things off by getting lost in NYC for a few minutes, while we attempted to locate our hotel. After that, we threw our bags into our hotel room and rushed out the door to the subway and caught the Lion King on Broadway.

I'd been wanting to go for about three years now, so it was a dream come true for me. It was an awesome show. I would definitely tell anyone to go see something on Broadway simply because being there... feeling the energy... seeing the costumes... hearing the singing... seeing the spectacular dancing... everything... is something everyone should see at least once in their lifetime.

We also went to Greenwich Village and toodled around there, including Christopher St. and the Oscar Wilde Bookstore.

A lot more to the trip, but I'm still kinda tired to post all of it here... I'll do a blow-by-blow perhaps tomorrow.

For now I'll post a picture or two so everyone can see some cool things I saw...


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