Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Opera Rose. copyright2005 H. Robbins. watercolor on hotpress. 12X13. Posted by Picasa


  • You know in "Phantom Of The Opera" when the phantom is watching the lovers in the snow? At the end he holds the red rose up to his nose... I wanted to paint that, but I can't find a screen cap of it anywhere... That's what this painting made me think of, even before I read that you titled it "Opera Rose".

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Fri Aug 05, 05:48:00 PM  

  • Actually, I titled it Opera Rose because of the color, which is called Opera Rose... a new watercolor by Winsor Newton. But yeah, Phantom of the Opera comes to mind, too.

    By Blogger Artist...Lesbian...Someone new..., at Sat Aug 06, 07:43:00 AM  

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