Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Thursday, July 28, 2005

early birthday present...

I still have tears in my eyes as I write this...

Lisa gave me my presents a day early. I just finished unwrapping them and playing with them, and I have to say that they were the most thoughtful, sweet, and caring gifts thus far in my life...

She gave me the little wizard frog that I saw on July 4 while I was out shopping in Belfast with Joshua...she wasn't even there, but she remembered the name of the frog when I told her about it that night... and she went and found it and bought it for me...


She went through my art catalogs and bought me a whole box of delicious watercolors, series 1, 3, and 4 colors that are rich and beautiful and I can't wait to try out....

They are the sweetest gifts ever.... things that she put a lot of thought into...

and they mean the world to me.

I'll never forget them... thank you my darling...

I love you...


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