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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

email I sent to my GayNet Group today

We just got back from filling up the gas tank in our car here in Hartland (seeing as how the prices in Pittsfield and Waterville were around $2.89 this morning) --- The gentleman who owns the gas station was just raising the price from $2.63 to $2.99 a gallon. When we asked if we had time to fill up before the raise, he said yes, but that he had to raise his price because he just got off the phone with his fuel supplier and they said they were allotting every gas station only a certain amount of delivery from now on. He had to raise his price to keep his pumps from being drained dry in the next day or so, seeing as how the neighboring station was already selling at $3.26 a gallon as of this morning. We didn't realize or think about the small business owners' dilemma in this crisis ------ nor did we consider the fact that there might be shortages, too. The next month is going to be scary for us all, especially considering CNN is now predicting prices hitting $4.00 a gallon soon. There is the potential for all of us to only be allowed a certain amount of gas per gas station. In order for stations to keep gas in the pumps, they might have to raise it to unfathomed-of amounts....

Those who say that this is just a "speedbump" in the economy aren't looking at my commuting to college five days a week, or those who have to commute to work. For those in Maine who make little more than minimum wage, this winter is going to be tough going. If it were JUST the gas prices, it might not be so bad, but it is also heating oil and anything that has to be delivered more than a mile to the retail store. Milk alone has gone up almost a dollar in the last year..... I can't imagine what it will be in a few weeks.

Just wanted to let everyone know what the situation here in Hartland was..... Gas prices in your area might be even worse by this afternoon....

I'm sure glad we locked in our oil price this morning....

Heidi in Hartland


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