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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Ain't Nothing But a Werewolf....

Yesterday, Joshua was Murdock Dangerfield, mad scientist, deranged experimenter, maker of robots and werewolves, leader of the mutated, head of his own insane asylum, maker of the "bubble and burp"....

His play was awesome! I was so proud of him. They wouldn't let us tape the play, however, because of "copyright" issues (on a child's play no less! like we were going to go sell the video later.... geesh!)..... but I was able to take some pics without flash during Josh's last few scenes....

Below is one of his best scenes in the play, when he "hosts" a party at his asylum and turns Rupert, the werewolf, back into himself, and causes Chet, the loudmouthed egotistic rockstar, to lose his voice.

Josh rarely forgot a line, pulled off the "mad scientist" act perfectly..... and I was so proud of him. He'd like to do it again next year..... and I hope he does. The part the gave him this year was supposed to be for a fourteen year old, but Josh's try-out was so good, they had to give it to him!

I'll post some more pics later... right now we're going to Auburn to go to BJ's to get some much-needed stuff.....

Sorry, Kat, we can't stop in... I'll tell you why later.....

: )


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