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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Rant

Hurricane Katrina, one of the most devastating storms ever. Almost 80% of New Orleans is under water this morning. Missississippi has been destroyed. 30 people in an apartment building were crushed because they didn't evacuate on the coast.


I'm sorry, but they were warned three days ahead of time. I'm thinking it is natures way of culling the stupid.


On CNN this morning was a gentleman talking about how he stayed behind in his coastal Missississippi home because the last several storms weren't "that bad" and he figured they were crying wolf again. And when he realized that this storm wasn't the same and that he and his wife was in danger? He said to CNN, "My wife was panickin', but I kept my head. I knew I was gonna live. I was smart enough to pull that washer and dryer out and get us on top of 'em. I had a hammer in my hand so as we could chop our way through the ceiling into the attic and then out to the roof if we had to. I was able to save us all, including my four shnauzers."


First of all.

This guy probably has a third grade education. And the ego is amazing. Faced with a huge level 5 storm (level 4 by the time it hit his area), dead on, he "knew he was gonna live." And, of course, his little woman was apanickin'.

Give me a fucking break.

He wouldn't have had to sit his wet, miserable ass on that washer with a hammer in his hand had he heeded the warnings to EVACUATE.

Three days lead time they had. THREE days!

They were all told to evacuate the cities. All the coastal cities.

Come on.

Crying wolf or not. This guy was just plain stupid. I'm surprised nature didn't cull him out as well, just like the 30 people who attempted to ride the storm out in an apartment building less then twenty feet from the coast.

And the other thing that really pissed me off?

There are a bunch of elderly and ill left to be rescued in the cities. Why?

These people weren't ABLE to leave, to evacuate. So now we have to spend money and time to save them.

This is really strange, considering the fact that on the news all day Sunday we saw footage of people evacuating the cities, some families with two cars or trucks had to split up, a wife in one, husband in the other.... and some were big SUVs or pickup trucks. No kids in them.... just one person driving in each of them.

Now... how neighborly is that?

Let's drive our 15miles to the gallon SUV out of the city, save our ONE little ass in it, even though it seats eight...... ??????!!!!!!!!!

How awful is that!??

I'm sorry. THOSE are the people who should have been culled as well. But, of course, it is survival of the fittest....

or is it survival of the richest?

I'm thinking that's exactly what it is.

Yet again, we Americans have proven that being wealthy can save our asses in more than one way.

Leave the weak and disabled behind.

The richest doesn't neccessarily mean the smartest, either. That's what bugs me.

Survival is supposed to be for the smartest, fittest, best of the race.

But I guess if you have a big ole hummer......

all bets are off.


  • Amen.

    On show dog mom's and dad's there was a couple in Tampa that outrid a hurricane, simply because the shelters wouldn't take them and their four dogs. Well isn't being in your van with your four dogs, sitting far away from the storm, better than being in the house with them all?

    And then this woman at work today said that her sister couldn't be evacuated because she couldn't stay in a shelter because a health problem kept her from sleeping on the floor... Are you fucking KIDDING ME? She would rather die than risk a morning with a bad backache?

    It is survival of the richest...

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Tue Aug 30, 03:46:00 PM  

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