Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Thanks to you...

Sincere thanks goes to Kat for inspiring me all over again with regards to my art. She began her interest in photography lately and it inspired me to take some more pics and to go back through old ones. Because of this, I took some awesome pics (will post two of them in a moment) which inspired an entire line of artwork for me. After those are done, I'll post some pics of those as well.
Thank you for inspiring me.

And yes, I know... they are pink... hot pink...

no comments, please.



  • Remember when I bought you the gel pens?

    I have always tried to inspire you in your artwork.

    Of course, in all reality, we should both be thanking Cindy. She's the one that is always telling ME to get back into it. She's good at that with people... Plus she bought my new camera!

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Wed Jul 06, 06:14:00 PM  

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