Artist...student...lesbian...someone new

Sunday, July 03, 2005

DRIVE. copyright2005 H. Robbins Posted by Picasa


  • I love that song. Drive.

    Baby you can sleep while I drive.

    By Blogger Katrina Ray-Saulis, at Mon Jul 04, 04:57:00 AM  

  • That's not why I used that title, but ok....

    Unfortunately, the song you are referring to is a "breakup" song that has been misconstrued by many -- (ignore this part if you already know this) -- when she sings "you can sleep while I drive" she doesn't mean her g/f is next to her in the car....

    she is referring to her g/f asleep at home and she is driving away ... leaving her ... breaking up with her...

    So it's kinda funny when ppl use this song for their weddings....

    By Blogger Artist...Lesbian...Someone new..., at Tue Jul 05, 05:28:00 PM  

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