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Sunday, June 18, 2006

thank goodness for air conditioning

It's 97 here with air quality alerts. I'm so glad we have air conditioning. I can't image what it would feel like without it.

Friday, Joshua came home from school early with a wicked sore throat and a slight cough, but had a high temp. Luckily, they have convenient care places around here, kinda like doctor's offices, but not quite emergency rooms, which are open on the weekends for those "not quite an" emergency situations. Yesterday, when Joshua's temperature rose to almost 103, we took him in, only to find out he has strep throat.

Then, this morning... guess what?


You guessed it.

I woke up with a sore throat, swollen glands, a headache, and fatigued. Yup. I've got it, too.

Are we surprised?

I'm not.


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