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Saturday, April 22, 2006

One week

One more week before the "big move."

Unfortunately, the doctors still don't have any answers for me... I had to go for more blood work this morning... I'm starting to feel like a human pincushion. My heart problems HAVE to be caused by something, the doctor says... it's just a matter of finding out what the cause is. Most likely it is hormones causing the epinephrine in my system to spike out, thus causing a spike in blood pressure, pulse, and then taccycardia.

It's frustrating, not knowing what is wrong with me. But Lisa has been great...carting me all over the state for tests (none of the results of which have come back yet)...she's been wonderful... poor thing, she has seen the inside of more hospitals and doctor's offices than anyone should have to... I owe her a lot for all she's done for me... Thank you Lisa!

This semester has been going well. Last week I taught my first class -- I had to do a presentation to a class about Autism. It went great. I had a blast doing it. The only thing I was worried about was my heart acting up while I was doing it. Luckily, nothing happened, so I had a lot of fun with it.

Next week this time we'll be at the new house -- getting things ready for the big move. I can't wait. I'll post a few pictures of the new house here... it's almost finished except for the landscaping and the garage, which should be done by June.

Anyway... that's about it for now...


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